Wednesday Night Shiur with Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht

Weekly, and that means WEEKLY, shiur with Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht on the parsha, holidays and dates on the Jewish calendar.

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Pashas Haazinu


In Memory of Rosaline bas Rochel Chana & Ezra. Moshe is closer to Heaven. A task we need to achieve. Yom Kippur Kaporos

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 6.21MB - Duration: 27:09 m (32 kbps 44100 Hz)

Rosh Hashana 5784


In Memory of Rosaline bas Ezra & Rochel Chana Rosh Hashana a day of reflection. The day we accept the sovereignty of Hashem through the blasts of the Shofar. Rosh Hashana on Shabbos, no Shofar but yet we achieve the same level from the sanctity Shabbos

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 13.31MB - Duration: 58:09 m (32 kbps 44100 Hz)

Parshas Nitzavim Vayelech


In Memory of Rosaline bas Ezra & Rochel Chana. "You owe me nothing, and I owe you nothing". Or do we say, "Thank you for all you do and I wish I could understand all the goodness and kindness although it is hidden"? Connection with Nitzavim & Rosh Hashana

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 13.55MB - Duration: 59:11 m (32 kbps 44100 Hz)

Parshas Ki Tavo


In Memory of Rosaline bas Rochel Chana & Ezra. The way of accepting and broadening our parameters. When we will arrive in the Holy land, the two opinions we need to apply both in our daily life serving Hashem. The first fruits we offer as a thanks.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 7.62MB - Duration: 33:18 m (32 kbps 44100 Hz)

Parshas Ki Tzeitzei


In Memory of Rosaline bas Ezra & Rochel Chana. War against the Yietzer Hara. The smallest simplest Mitzvah reaps great rewards

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 13.61MB - Duration: 59:28 m (32 kbps 44100 Hz)

Parshas Shoftim


In Memory of Rosaline bas Rochel Chana & Ezra. The month of Elull. The way we prepare for the next forty days till Yom Kippur. Daas Torah the fifth part of Shulchan Aruch. Choosing a king for the right reason. Man is like the tree in the field roots help.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 13.43MB - Duration: 58:41 m (32 kbps 44100 Hz)

Parshas Reeh


In Memory of Rosaline bas Rochel Chana & Ezra. ELULL! Shabbos Mevorchim. Open & Give repeated twice even 100 times. Over come the Yetzer Hara when he says not to give Tzedaka. Hashem himself consoles the Yidden as he wanted us to ask for him himself.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 13.58MB - Duration: 59:19 m (32 kbps 44100 Hz)

Parshas Aikev - Tu B'Shvat


In Memory of Rosaline bas Rochel Chana & Ezra. The 7 weeks between Tisha B'Av and Rosh Hashana. Eating the Manna and yet they starved and were tortured, Shabbos Lights. Education, Which is more important, Learning or teaching? !5 of the month of Av.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 13.74MB - Duration: 1:00:01 m (32 kbps 44100 Hz)

Parshas Vaescanan Nachmu


In Memory of Rosaline bas Ezra & Rochel Chana. Moshe prays 515 Tefilos. A Jew is never "Alone". Moshe acquired the Luchos so that it was his own and he did not break the Jews property. The letters of the Luchos were like the soul to the human body.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 13.72MB - Duration: 59:57 m (32 kbps 44100 Hz)

Parshas Devarim-Chazon


In Memory of Rosaline bas Ezra & Rochel Chana. The third suit, we all merit to see the Third Bais Hamikdash as we merit to hear the daily heavenly voice. Mishneh Torah, did Moshe actually say these words on his own? The power of Teshuvah and forgiveness

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 13.7MB - Duration: 59:50 m (32 kbps 44100 Hz)

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